Relaxing Massage

A flowing style of massage based on classical Swedish massage techniques, incorporating elements of reflexology and reiki.


A form of complementary medicine that has been used in various cultures for thousands of years.  It is much more than just a foot massage!  Pressure is applied to specific points of the feet that correspond to different organs and structures throughout the body, in order to encourage the body to work naturally to restore its own natural balance.  An ideal treatment for stress and anxiety.


I am an Australian trained physiotherapist authorised to practise in cantons Valais and Vaud.  I focus on exercise based, active physiotherapy.  I offer physiotherapy sessions at Viviane Fluchard’s physiotherapy and osteopathy clinic in Villars-sur-Ollon (telephone 024 495 1004) and at Cabinet PhysioNRJ in Martigny.  I also have some limited availability for home physiotherapy visits in the Villars-Gryon area.  All sessions are reimbursed by Swiss basic health insurance.

Deep Tissue Massage

A firm style of massage using slow and focused thumb, forearm or elbow pressure to work into areas of tension.

Myofascial Release

A non-invasive treatment for fascia, the thin membrane that surrounds muscles and allows them to move freely.   Small metal hooks (“crochets”) are used to separate precise areas of restriction and adherences.  A hand held percussive-vibration machine is used to send waves or impulses into deeper tissues of the body.  The result is a sense of lightness and freedom of movement.  Myofascial release can be combined with sports massage in the same session.


Hypopressive or low pressure exercise is a method of core strengthening developed by Dr Marcel Caufriez to treat pelvic floor dysfunction.  It is primarily used as a treatment for prolapse, incontinence and diastasis recti (abdominal separation).  Because it targets the deep core musculature of the body it is also ideal for back pain patients or for athletes looking to maximise their performance.  The exercises strengthen the diaphragm, the back and shoulder muscles, elevate the pelvic organs and decompress the spine.  They are some of the most unusual exercises I have ever come across in my physiotherapy career but they are 100% worth the effort needed to learn them!  Hypopressive training is reimbursed by Swiss basic health insurance with a valid physiotherapy prescription.

Schroth Training

The Schroth method is a physiotherapy based approach to treating scoliosis developed in the 1920s in Germany.  Patients are taught strengthening and stretching exercises, breathing techniques and postural cues specific to their type of curve.   Incorporating these exercises and techniques into daily life can help to slow curve progression, ease pain and crucially, in many cases, avoid spinal surgery.  Schroth method sessions are reimbursable by the Swiss basic health insurance system with a valid physiotherapy prescription.

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

Viktor E. Frankl
